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Super Fresco White Blown Vinyl


Super Fresco Geometric White 268


White Background with Heavy Textured White Geometric Diagonal Stripe Designn. Pattern Match 16 cm drop repeat. White Textured Vinyl. Small Match and Little waste - so Easy To Hang. Paintable - Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Pure White 10-014


White Background with Textured White Swirl Pattern. Pattern Match 8 cm straight repeat. White Textured Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Subway White 19784


White Background with textured White Geometric Stripe Pattern. Pattern Match 32/16 cm drop repeat. White Textured Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Eden White 18390


White Background with Textured White Leaf Design. Pattern Match 64 cm straight repeat. White Blown Sculptured Vinyl. Easily Painted - So Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Bark White 726


!White Background with Heavy Textured White Bark Stripe Design. Pattern Match 0 cm drop repeat. White Textured Vinyl. No Match and Little waste. Paintable So - Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Linen White 746


White Background with Textured White Hessian Style Textured Design. 0 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Textured Vinyl. Paintable - With an Easy Match - So Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Fabric Hessian White 16134


White Background with Textured White Hessian Fabric Style Textured Pattern. 0 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Superfresco Blown Vinyl. Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Acanthus White 15069


White Fine Stripe Background with Textured White Acanthus Leaf Textured Pattern. 64 /32 cm offset repeat. White Sculptured Textured Vinyl. Can Be Over-Painted - Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Stipple White 205


White Background with Textured White Splodgy Stipple Style Textured Pattern. 0 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Textured Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Heavy Stipple White 70074


White Background with Heavy Textured White Splodgy Stipple Style Textured Design. 0 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Textured Vinyl. Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Mistral White 10-016


White Background with Textured White Swirl Design. Pattern Match 64 cm straight repeat. White Textured Vinyl. Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Big Swirl White 321 ( 5 m sample)


White Background with Textured White Swirl Textured Pattern. 64 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Blown Vinyl which will cover uneven walls. Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room!! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A SAMPLE ROLL - IDEAL TO PATCH UP


Super Fresco Cameo Stripe White 14011


White Background with Chunky Textured White Cameo Stripe Design. Pattern Match 32 cm drop repeat. White Sculptured Blown Vinyl. Easily Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Grasscloth 100161


!Super Fresco White Blown Vinyl. Textured Random Design. Ideal for a ceiling or less than perfect walls. Pattern Match 64cm Straight repeat. Lovely White Textured Paintable Wallcoverings.


Super Fresco Tree Bark White 12015


White Background with Heavy Textured White Tree Bark Design. Pattern Match 32 /16 cm offset repeat. White Paintable Vinyl - Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Woodchip Effect White 16210


White Background with Heavy Textured White Woodchip Effect Design. Pattern Match 0 cm so little waste. White Paintable Vinyl - Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Stripe White 10-195


White Micro Hessian Background with Textured Wide White Textured Stripe Pattern. 0cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Textured Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Palm Leaf White 114922


White Background with White Textured Allover Palm Leaf Design. Pattern 64 cm offset repeat. White Sculptured Embossed Blown Vinyl. Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Lotus White 19783


White Background with Textured White Geometric Grid Design. Pattern Match 1.2 cm straight repeat. Subtle White Expanded Vinyl. Paintable so Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco String 284


White Background with Textured White Fine Bark Pattern. Pattern Match 0 cm. String White Expanded Vinyl. Paintable so Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Woodwork 106577


White Background with Textured White Woodwork Style Design. Pattern Repeat 64 cm. Wood Planks Sculptured Textured Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Waterfall White 390


Waterfall White Background with Heavy Textured White Bark Stripe Design. Pattern Match 0 cm. White Expanded Vinyl. No Match and Little waste - Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Art Deco Geo White 112016


White Textured Geometric Panel. A Truly Contemporary Ceiling/ Wall Design. Pattern Match 18 cm straight repeat. White Paintable Vinyl. Art Deco Modern Effect.


Super Fresco Geo White 101255


White Smooth Background with White Textured Modern Geometric Pattern. 2.6 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Expanded Vinyl. Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Geo - White Lattice 101255


White Background with Heavy Textured Lattice Design. Pattern Match 32 cm straight repeat. White Expanded Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Felicity Damask White 100150


White Background with Heavy Textured White Damask Design. Pattern Match 32 cm straight repeat. White Expanded Vinyl. Paintable -So Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Wood Panelling White 112590


White Smooth Background with White Textured Panel Design. 64 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Expanded Vinyl. Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room!!


Super Fresco Blenheim Panel White 106580 (4m SAMPLE)


White Background with Textured White Traditional Panel Pattern. Pattern Match 21 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room - or under a Dado Rail. Easily Paintable. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE 4M SAMPLE ROLLS. SUPPLIED WITH


Super Fresco Nouveau Geo White 106579


White Textured Wallpaper. Sculptured Contemporary Geometric Design. Pattern Match 32 cm Straight Repeat. Great For a Modern Look and Ideal for all around a room. Easily Painted So The Look Can Be Changed To Suit Changing Fashions


Super Fresco Carrera Fine Bark White 19782


White Background with Fine Textured White Bark Stripe Pattern. Pattern Match 0 cm drop repeat. White Sculptured Vinyl. No Match and Little Waste. Easily Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


Super Fresco Tweed White 106581


Superfresco Tweed Luxury Vinyl Wallcoverings. White Background with Checked Textured Tartan Design. Pattern repeat 32 cm straight.


Super Fresco Tweed Grey 32-927


Superfresco Tweed Luxury Vinyl Wallcoverings. Grey Background with Checked Textured Tartan Design. Pattern repeat 32 cm straight.


Super Fresco Vector Geo White 114925 - 9m roll


White Background with Heavy Textured White Art Deco Design. Pattern Match 64 cm straight repeat. White Expanded Vinyl. Easily Paintable - So Lovely for all around a Room, a Staircase, Or Under A Dado Rail !


Super Fresco Milan Geo White 114921


White Background with Heavy Textured White Triangle Design. Pattern Match 64 cm straight repeat. White Expanded Vinyl. Easily Paintable - So Lovely for all around a Room, a Staircase, Or Under A Dado Rail !


Super Fresco Small Trellis 114924


Small Trellis Wallpaper from Graham & Brown. White background with Modern White Textured Design. Pattern repeat 64 cm straight match. Fabulous Statement Wallcoverings.


Super Fresco Heavy Stipple White 759


White Background with Heavy Textured White Splodgy Stipple Style Textured Design. 0 cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Textured Vinyl. Paintable - So Lovely for all around a room!!


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Page updated31st Jan 2025, 10:16

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