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Super Fresco Carrera Fine Bark White 19782

Super Fresco Carrera Fine Bark White 19782


19782 19782-close-up-3
Part number: 19782
£9.99 inc. VAT

Product samples

2 samples free!
Mill length sample
Price: £2.50
White Background with Fine Textured White Bark Stripe  Pattern. Pattern Match 0 cm drop repeat. White Sculptured Vinyl. No Match and Little Waste. Easily Paintable  - So Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !

See also


Super Fresco Geo - White Lattice 101255


White Background with Heavy Textured Lattice Design. Pattern Match 32 cm straight repeat. White Expanded Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room or a staircase !


White Supatex Bark FD13453


White Background with Textured White Plain Bark Pattern. 64cm straight repeat. White Sculptured Textured Vinyl. Lovely for all around a room!!


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